StoaUSA Welcomes you to the 2013

National Invitational Tournament of Champions

Monday, May 20th – Saturday, May 25th



Here are changes to Monday’s schedule and places due to the weather:

  • 4:30PM – Scott York will present the State of Stoa in the Student Lounge, Walton Lifetime Health Complex.
  • 4:30 – 6:30PM – Dinner on the Ground Welcome Social BBQ – If you purchased the catered BBQ meal, head to the Student Lounge with your blankets to enjoy our picnic inside! Additional meals will be available to purchase at the door for $7.00 (cash only). You are also welcome to bring your own food if you didn't purchase the meal.
  • 6:30PM – We will head to the Bill George Arena (inside the same building) for the Welcome ceremony and Jason Truby in concert
  • 6:30 – 9:30PM Late Check-in for those who were unable to get here earlier including those held back due to weather. Located in the foyer of the Bill George Arena.

NOTICE! Check-In is moved to the Student Lounge!!

Proceed to the Walton Health Complex to Check In!

Due to anticipated rain and wind, Student Check-In has been relocated to the Student Lounge area located in the practice gyms of the Walton Health Complex. Please check your map and proceed directly to the Walton Complex, unless you are competing in Parli. (separate instructions for Parli registration have been sent to Parli competitors and their families).


The Stoa Board of Directors is excited to welcome you to the Fourth Annual National Invitational Tournament of Champions! Stoa's NITOC is a National Championship Tournament, open to all qualified Christian Homeschool Speech and Debate students regardless of league affiliation. Invitations are based on the student's performance over the course of the season as documented on the National Christian Homeschool Speech and Debate Rankings website Speechranks. Stoa desires to bring together the best speakers and debaters from around the country to compete at the National Championship.

This year NITOC will be held on the lovely campus of John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Ranked as one of the “20 Best Small Towns in America”_ click here
the friendly welcome and southern charm of Siloam Springs makes it a wonderful venue!

NITOC at John Brown University

2000 West University Street
Siloam Springs, AR 72761

Directions and Maps

Campus Map

Registration Fees
Speech - $30.00 per Individual Event
Team Policy Debate - $65.00 per Debater
Lincoln Douglas Debate - $65.00 per Debater
Parliamentary Debate - $45.00 per Debater

A Completed Registration Includes
Student Registration
Parent Judge Registration
Payment by PayPal

Refund Policy
Before registration closes we will refund payments minus a $10 processing fee.
After registration closes no refunds will be made. All refund requests must be submitted by e-mail to our Registrar, Julie Braswell at [email protected].

Competitor Eligibility and Dress Code
For Eligibility information visit
For Dress Code information visit
StoaUSA rules for Events, Eligibility, and Dress Code will be followed.

Stoa Events Offered
Team Policy Debate
Lincoln Douglas Debate
Parliamentary Debate
12 Stoa Sanctioned Speech Events

For Speech Event information visit
For Debate Event information visit

Pattern A: Apologetics, Extemporaneous, Humorous Interpretation, Open Interpretation, Original Oratory, Storytelling

Pattern B: Dramatic Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Expository, Impromptu, Mars Hill Impromptu, Persuasive

Storytelling: The Storytelling category is "The Great Outdoors" (see the tab for more information).

Mars Hill Impromptu: All Topics/Titles for NITOC 2013 will be taken from the preliminary list posted on the StoaUSA website.

Stoa Membership Registration
In order to register for this tournament, you must be a Stoa member. When you register, this website will automatically cross-check your Stoa membership registration to see if you are eligible to enroll in the competition. If you have not yet registered with Stoa, you may do so now by clicking on this link: Stoa Registration

WARNING: Computers lack a sense of humor. They only do exactly what you tell them to do. If you registered as a Stoa member under the name John A. McGillicuty, the computer will not recognize J. A. McGillicuty, John Abracadabra McGillicuty, John McGillicuty, or any number of other possible legal variations of the name. You must register for on this website exactly as you signed up for Stoa registration. We hope this works smoothly for everyone.

Please direct any questions to the Registrar, Julie Braswell at [email protected].

Speech and Debate Seedings
Events at the Stoa National Invitational Tournament of Champions will be seeded based on the rankings on the Speechranks Website. Seeding is based on a student’s three best performances during the speech and debate season. This continued excellence throughout the year is awarded with an invitation to and preferential seeding at NITOC.

Information Tabs (on the left side of this page)
Please read through each of these tabs as they provide valuable information about all aspects of the tournament. It is expected that everyone attending NITOC will be familiar with the information presented on these pages, as you are responsible to read it.

NITOC Contacts:

Julie Braswell, Registrar
[email protected]

Laura Yeates, NITOC Tournament Director
[email protected]

Lisa Alsop, NITOC Local Coordinator
[email protected]

Maggie Carabelos, NITOC Tournament Assistant
[email protected]

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